A Cool Proposal for a New Olympia Stadium in Detroit

The New York Yankees are about to open a state-of-the-art stadium that is fashioned to look like the original Yankee Stadium which opened in 1923.

The New York Mets’ new stadium has an exterior that resembles Brooklyn’s old Ebbets Field — and a right field porch that is supposed to be an exact replica of the one that used to be in Tiger Stadium.

The new New York stadiums could very well start a new trend for professional sports venues.  Below is a cool concept to make a new venue for the Detroit Red Wings look and feel like their original home, Olympia Stadium.

We’re not sure about the details of the plan, but the concept of creating a venue that looked just like the original Detroit home of the Red Wings is a winner.  How sweet would it be to drive past a Detroit childhood memory that was new and shiny — instead of on fire?  Three thumbs up for the idea! 

We hope the Red Wings brass are listening.  If anyone asks, it was their idea.

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