For those who haven’t yet seen the beta version of Sports Illustrated’s digital vault, you’re in for a real treat. SI search engines allow users to look up their favorite covers by date, decade and sport. You’ll be amazed at how many covers you’ll recognize from your childhood.
I’ve always wondered how many Detroit Tigers players were featured on Sports Illustrated’s covers. Unless I missed some, I now believe I know the answer: eleven different players appeared a total of nineteen times. Two covers featured two Tigers together, so technically, there have been 21 Tigers player photos featured. They are: Al Kaline (4), Harvey Kuenn, Frank Lary, Don Pepper, Denny McLain (4), Bill Freehan, Mark Fidrych (2), Kirk Gibson (2), Alan Trammell (3), Ty Cobb (illustration), and Justin Verlander.
Click on the photos below to go to the vault. Let me know if you find any other covers featuring the Tigers.