By now you have probably heard the comments by Terry Bradshaw and Co. following the press conference held following Lions loss no. 15. With a persistent question set about Lions Defensive Coordinator Joe Barry, Rob Parker continued to put a persistent question to his own profession. With one incident after another, Parker has somehow taken our city down with him while bringing sympathy to those without merit.
A visit to Wikipedia lists Parker as a “sports journalist,” an ultimate disgrace to anyone else within the profession. For yet another incident, Parker has made himself the center of a story. Hank Aaron as a coward? MSU QB Kirk Cousins in a fake fight? Low expectations for white NBA players? Guess who was at the center of each one of these fables? Our city deserves better “journalism” in its papers and on its airways.
Any fan who has shelled their own good earnings for Lions tickets this season understands that nothing has gone right this season. Anyone who has watched the games on television or listened to them on the radio, knows that 2008 will not be known for successes. After what happened against the Saints in the final home game, making a really offensive joke was inappropriate, but nothing surprising from one of this city’s worst representatives.